Novotel Century Hong Kong - Family & Business trip hotel - FAQs


We are committed to providing you with the best possible accommodation experience. To help you learn more about Novotel Century Hong Kong, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions.


Where is hotel location and how to get there?
238 Jaffe Road, Wan Chai. The property is conveniently located just 10 minutes from Wan Chai Station A1 or 6 minutes from Exhibition Centre Station A3. Airport bus A11 at stop 12 Stewart Road, Hennessey Road.

Does hotel with Gym facilities?
Yes, we have a 24-hour, in-house gym facility called In Balance Fitness Centre on P/F. Access is limited to hotel guests.

Where is nearby convenience store?
A 7-Eleven convenience store is conveniently located across from the hotel.

Does Hotel have wheelchair to borrow? 
Yes, please contact Concierge counter on G/F.

Where is nearest bank?
The Bank of China is located in Causeway Centre, while HSBC is situated in Sun Hung Kai Centre.

Where is Wa So Café?
Tonnochy Towers, 272 Jaffe Road, Wan Chai, across from the hotel.

Does hotel have House Doctor Service?
Yes, we do provide a House Doctor Service. Please contact the Duty Assistance Manager for further assistance.

Where is nearest Jewish Church?
Ohel Leah Synagogue, Mid-level

Where is the biggest Public Library?
Enjoy the convenience of Causeway Bay’s main public library, located across from Victoria Park and a short two-station ride from the hotel.

Where is the nearest Heritage infrastructure? 
Blue House at 72-74A Stone Nullah Lan, Wan Chai

brand marker Novotel Century Hong Kong ☆☆☆☆

238 Jaffe Road, WANCHAI, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2598 8888
Fax: +852 2598 8866

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